On September 6th, 2021, the IDCA (international German-Chinese Belt & Road Alliance e.V.) together with the BWA (Federal Association of Economic Development and Foreign Trade Global e.V.) organized an information evening on the subject of the "Silk Road" followed by a summer party. The motto was "The business must go on - and the relations, too"
Ms. Salland-Staib, Senator of the BWA and board member of IDCA, gave a presentation on the 14th five-year plan (2021-2026) initiated by the Chinese government. She had given you an insight into the content of the 14th five-year plan and also pointed out that there could also be great potential for European companies.
The 14th five-year plan have the following core topics: Artificial intelligence AI, quantum information, integrated circuits, brain research, genetics, biotechnology, clinical medicine, aerospace technology and 7 deep seas and earth research. In particular, Ms. Salland pointed out what the dual cycle system means as a new national and international strategy for China and what opportunities this could result.
After the lecture, the participants exchanged ideas in a harmonious atmosphere. With different backgrounds, they have given themselves their own expertise on topics such as education, industry, culture and trade and political relations between China and Germany. Everyone agrees that intensive dialogue at various levels between the two countries should continue. This is the only way to reduce misunderstandings and ensure a stable and healthy bilateral partnership. In addition, it is an important task for all countries that cooperation in the areas of climate protection, green finance and low-emission products must be deepened, because climate change is a challenge for all of humanity.
The members of the IDCA, BWA and the Neue Seidenstrasse e.V. from the region such as Baden-Württemberg, North Rhine-Westphalia, Lower Saxony etc. took part. It was only the off-line event since a long break because of the Covid restrictions on the part of the IDCA. The Covid protection rule was of course complied with.